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Posted Thu, 10 Mar 2016 16:02:00 GMT by Juan Gabriel Zuluaga
Dear all,

I plan to study the hydrodynamic (HD) and water quality (WQ) of a river and a wetland and the linked between them. The question is: with the some package from Mike, it is posible to simulate the river in 1D, the wetland in 2D (maybe 3D) and have a 1D-2D coupled model? It is necesary to couple few models like Mike Hydroriver and Mike21 (or Mike 3)? This combination of models is possible?.

Thanks in advance for considering my question,
Juan G. Urrego
Posted Mon, 21 Mar 2016 16:58:00 GMT by Steve Blake
Dear Juan,

Yes this is possible and routinely done for a variety of simulation environments. Typical couplings are done with MSHE and MIKE 11 for 1D channels, and 2D/3D wetland and groundwater hydrology. Procedures are built into the model framework for this coupling, which is based on the underlying hydrologic principles (in other words a physically based coupling).

Depending on your needs and interests, there are other alternatives, for instance a focus on surface water dynamics and flooding, which rely on MIKE FLOOD, a coupling of MIKE 11 and MIKE 21 (which can also incorporate pipe networks if required). If detailed groundwater dynamics and interaction with surface channels is a core issue, couplings have also been developed for FEFLOW and MIKE 11.

Please let us know if you would like to discuss a specific application or would like more information or examples of any of these applications.

Best Regards,
Posted Thu, 07 Feb 2019 08:32:00 GMT by Dede Sulaeman
Hi Steve,

Thank you for your explanation above. I'm going to do research in predicting ground water level of peatland and the effect of canal blocking on the water level and soil moisture. Based on your explanation above, should I use these 3 packages of MIKE model : MIKE11, MIKE-SHE, and FEFLOW ? Can I use MIKE 11 alone without operating other packages ?

Thank you


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