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  • Re: Splitting flows and calculating the mean

    Hi Enrico

    Thanks for the responses.

    I was actually referring to a scheduler which will allow me to assign a specific flow value over an interval, as you mentioned.

    Just for interest and maybe to clarify, what is the difference between the scheduler and the generator and how can I model that generator ?

  • Splitting flows and calculating the mean

    Good day

    I would like to have some insight about how to write equations or which function(s) to use in the model editor in the following situations:

    1- Splitting an influent flow into flows per time interval (say 2 hours interval, over a 24 hours period). So basically, being able to extract the flow every 2 hours.

    2- Calculating the mean/average of some variables in general. I found the function "double MSLUGetMean(double ID)" but I don't really understand it, with the buffer idea.

    Thank you in advance.
  • Re: Error in changing the position of an object in the model editor


    I have actually created a new category called UCTPST, that is similar to the UCTAD category in the PWM_SA instance.

    I don't understand as well why was there no error mentioned by the model Editor. I am using WEST (and Model Editor) 2016.

    I have sent the whole library to the technical support as requested.

  • Re: Error in changing the position of an object in the model editor


    I looked at the Logging panel but there was no specific problem highlighted (I have attached a picture).

    1. I am not sure why is not appearing actually. That's why I thought putting it into the interface will make work, but it is not working as you pointed out.

    2. It is also bizzare that it is compaining about a missing file now. And as soon as i cancel that operation, the instance check remains successful. But i checked that the assumed missing file is actually in the library.

    I was writing a code for a primary settling tank model in PWM_SA. That's where I noticed that the state variable influent flow rate that was declared was not reflecting in the simulation environment, unlike the other state variables (effluent flow rate, actual underflow rate) which were all put in the group 'operational'.
    Find attached a code sample as requested.
  • Error in changing the position of an object in the model editor

    Good day

    Can you please assist me with the following error?

    So I have realised that an object that I have declared in the model editor as state and written equations with it, was not appearing in the desktop app when runnning simulations.
    I then decided to move it into the interface and adjusted the relevant equations accordingly(that is replacing all the equations with interface...).
    When I check the instance in the model editor, it tells me that the file could not be found and that I need to modify the Instance property 'ModelLib' ( I have attached a picture), of which I don't understand.

    Thank you in advance.
  • Re: Preprocessing failed: exit code 33

    Hi. I don't recall what I was doing but I dropped it at some point. So I am fine for now. Thanks for the reply.
  • Preprocessing failed: exit code 33

    Hi there.

    I was trying to write some lines in the model editor and I got " preprocessing failed: exit code 33" when I tried to check. What could that possibly mean? Thanks