Re: Importing Elevation Data with Pinchouts
Ok I still can't solve my unstructured supermesh.
Therefore I created a simple example.
I have these 3 layers.
Layer1 is the bottom elevation
layer2 is the top elevation
layer3 is the fault layer which divides the area in 2 parts
In Feflow i create a supermesh and load the data into the maps panel. Then I open 3D Layer Configuration and I import the layers.
It works but the fault line is not a vertical line. How do I have to prepare my data that I get a vertical line?
feflow always interpolates and that is not what Í want.
I hope my example is clear.
Thank you for your help
Re: Importing Elevation Data with Pinchouts
Thank you, for the answer.
Actually I knew that the dat file has a xyz structure.
But I was wondering how exatly I have to enter the xyz values the get a vertical fault line in unstructured meshing.
do I have to give only the fault dat file values for the whole model area? or only at the fault line?
I also don`t understand what z value the fault line itself gets because it actually has 2 z values.
How is this handled?
A example file would be perfect to understand the data structure.
Appreciate your help
Josch -
Re: Horizontal well for water infiltration
I would say net yet, but I am willing to learn it. Maybe it is a good kickoff :-)
Is there an example ? -
Re: Importing Elevation Data with Pinchouts
I have another question about the file format for faults when I do unstructured meshing.
I watched this informative Webinar: Webinar on unstructured meshing in FEFLOW 7
( Fault min 5 to 6 )
I am able to reproduce the example but I don't get a vertical fault because feflow is interpolating.
They are importing a dat file for the fault. I guess there are taking the elevation of the top layer for one side of the fault for the model area and the elevation of the bottom layer on the other side of the fault. ( thats what I did)
I am wondering what value gets the fault line itself? The value of the top layer or bottom layer?
I also tried two parallel fault line with a minimum distance one with the top elevation and one with the bottom elevation but this neighter solve my problem.
Or is the problem the mesh? Maybe my mesh is not fine enough but this would only smooth the fault as well.
Or can I omit the interpolation?
Maybe someone can provide a sample dat file, which makes it easy to understand the data structure :-)
Thank you for your help and have a nice weekend.
Re: Horizontal well for water infiltration
thank you for the answer. Ok I think I understand it now.
I found the button but I was working with a unstructured Mesh and in this mode I guess the option "copy to layer" is not availible, because not all the layer have the same extent. Am I right?
But I am wondering because all my layer have the same mesh. Is there a workaround for unstructured meshes for "copy to layer" ?
"copy to layer" is a quite handy tool , and I don't want to miss it :-)
Thank you and appreciate your help
Re: Horizontal well for water infiltration
ok thank you, I will use MLW for my infiltration set and it works within slices. The assigment of time-series works fine with the .pow files.
I have only one more question.
I started using FEFLOW 7.1 and I am not able to find the button "Copy Selection to Layers/Slices"?
Where can I find it? Or doesn't exist this button anymore?
Thank you and appreciate your help
Horizontal well for water infiltration
I have to model a water infiltration site of a water supplier (Uferfiltrationsanlage). The horizontal wells are about 50 m long and are in a depth of 2 m. The infiltration is variable and I would like to create .pow file like for multilayer wells for the variable infiltration rates. I don't know how to handle this.
I have read something in the forum about horizontal wells, but I don't know weather to take source or sink tool or fluid- flux bc to modell the horizontal wells? What is the best solution? And how do I implement the variable infiltration rates?
Heat transport is not my primary interest of the modell.
Thank you and appreciate your help
Joscha -
Re: Importing Elevation Data with Pinchouts
Thank you very much for your quick response.
I solved my problems with your hints.
I replaced the NA in my layers with the top elevation. This causes the intersections and FEFLOW asks how I want to treat them. I took
-Remesh the pinched and invalid elements
and of corse I had to save each layer as a shapefile and drag and drop it into the 3D Layer Configurator.
Works fine. By the was there are two imformative videos on youtube. Search for pinch out and unstructured meshing:
thanks and greetings
Importing Elevation Data with Pinchouts
I have a Modell where some top layer pinch out. I would like to import the elevation data of the layers as a shapefile and link my data with "link to parameter" to each layer.
I understand how pinchout work manually and I can link my elevation but then the minimum layer thickness is set to 0.1 by feflow.
How do I have to prepare my input data, that feflow understands that where the value is NA the layer pinches out?
Example of my data:
x-coord; y-coord; elev; Slice
xxxxx;yyyyy; NA; 1
xxxxx;yyyyy; NA; 1
xxxxx;yyyyy; NA; 1
xxxxx;yyyyy; 100; 2
xxxxx;yyyyy; 103; 2
xxxxx;yyyyy; 106; 2
xxxxx;yyyyy; 150; 3
xxxxx;yyyyy; 183; 3
xxxxx;yyyyy; 196; 3
or is there another way to do this?
Appreciate your help
Thank you