I am trying to run Feflow 5.3 / 5.4 demo on a server with Windows 2003 32 bit.
I installed Feflow 5.3, Exceed 2006 (x86) and Netlm4.3.4 and everything was ok, but as I tried to run Feflow I found this message boxes:
[img width=200 height=150]http://areeweb.polito.it/ricerca/groundwater/troubles/PROBLEM%20FEFLOW%205.3.JPG[/img]
see the full size image here:
What's the matter?
I'm trying with some simulations with a 4th kind heat transp. b.c. (BHE 2U-pipe) and I always find a slight difference between the average heat plot and the pipe out temperature profile of the BHE.
As I read in your White paper n°5, at page, 54, the "average heat" plot shows the time history of temperature at the top of the outlet pipe, so the aforementioned plots (avg heat and BHE pipe out T) should agree, as shown in your examples (i.e. figure 1.10); but, in my calculations, a slight difference between them occurs. Why?
I am using the analytical method of Eskilson and Claesson; I have a free and movable top slice (should I turn it into a phreatic one?).
Thank you,
So using a BHE 4th kind heat transport boundary condition, I can't decide the heat input/withdrawal, but only the inlet temperature...is it true?
How can I impose a heating/cooling load to a BHE and then evaluate the inlet/outlet temperatures?
In BHE utility, what is reference temperature meant for?
Should I put the undisturbed mean temperature value (i.e. the ground temperature at half depth of my BHEs)?
Thank you
In my experience with FEFLOW, I always used S as the specific storativity multiplicated with the TOTAL depth of the aquifer, and not the SINGLE layer depth.
thank you!
Hello, I would like to know if it's possible disable plots in FEFLOW to speed up simulations?
Is it possible to disable the refreshing of velocities/directions plot, keeping only the refreshing of heads and concentrations plots?
Is it worth, in order to have faster simulations?
Thank you,
Alessandro Casasso
PhD Student - Politecnico di Torino
I tried to look at this link, but I can't see anything...
should I have a specifical plugin to watch this video?
Thank you,
I have a question about a similar topic.
I'm modeling a shallow aquifer in Venice lagoon, that is characterized by tidal oscillations of about 1m of amplitude. I treated the region occupied by sea as an aquifer with very high hydraulic conductivity (10 m/s), storativity = 1.
In the first slice I set a 0 m a.s.l. elevation for the part of the mesh occupied by sea, and obviously ground elevation for the part occupied by land.
Does this abrupt discontinuity in z elevation bring any computational problem for FEFLOW?
Another question: is it a problem, if levels are higher than z elevation in the first slice (e.g. during high tides)?
Kind regards,
Alessandro Casasso
PhD student - Politecnico di Torino
Before starting your simulation, you have to click on "Control output" (Run-> Start simulator menu).
Then "Record complet data..." (the second choice in DATA TO FILE menu) has to be checked.
Choose the destination file.
Then you can create a .pow file of the time steps you want FEFLOW to save your results.
You can load time steps by clicking on "Edit time stages for which saving is desired".
I hope I understood you question and I gave you useful advice.