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  • Addition of tributaries when tributary cross section data is unknown

    I had been trying to add inflow from tributaries at several points to my river network in order to calibrate my river model.
    How can i add inflow of tributaries without adding branches to the model?
    Please help.
  • Re: Error 340 and Error 86

    Thanks, i found it useful.

    Another reason for error later found was that i had defined my dambreak structure as " Side structure + Reservoir " with volume vs elevation data for the reservoir but later i changed the Dambreak structure type to  "Regular" same was done for the Weir.
    when simulations were carried out it was successful.  :)

    But there the was no data for the dam in the model as i had no idea how to add reservoir to the model.

    please guide me in this matter.

    Humayun Malik
  • Error 340 and Error 86

    i have been working on dambreak simulation but continuous errors are arising in defining Broad crested weir.
    The errors are:

    Error No 340 : The weir in River JHELUM at chainage 2000.000 meter
                    is located in a river reach without a cross
                    section on both sides of the weir.
    despite of the fact that i have defined cross sections on both sides of weir.

      Error No 86  : Error in the structure in JHELUM : 2000.000 meter.
                    The water level in the weir in Q/h relations is not
                    monotonically increasing.

    is this error about reservoir storage or Q/h calculation for the weir?

  • Re: Error No. 92 while running NWS Energy Eq.


    I m also facing the same problem.
    in my network dambreak structure is at 25.000 meter while the error message appears as:

      Error No 92  : The dambreak structure at SSPR_DB01 : 50.000 meter.
                    is defined with time dependent failure mode but there
                    is no corresponding specification in the Boundary-file

    The problem is persistent even when i use NWS DAMBRK eq.

    please help me if you faced and resolved such issue.