• Re: Questions about the MBR parameters

    most likely you have not set the [b]initial mass of water[/b] (initial value of the H2O component of the M vector: M(H2O)).
    You need to input a mass of water (in grams) compatible to your Vmin - Vmax range, e.g. 4E09.
  • Re: Variable input for a top level parameter

    Hi Monica,
    actually no: it doesn't sound all that weird.
    All you need to do is 'promote' muH from parameter to manipulated interface variable - and take care of the consequences of course.
    Keep in mind that muH_Temp is actually a temperature-dependent state variable, based on muH: so you'll have to change the definition for muH itself

    -  in the Gujer Matrix, delete the [b]OBJ muH[/b] from the Parameters page and add it to the Interface Variables page. Main properties: causality needs to be Input; and the Manipulated check-box needs to be checked
    - in the State Variables page, update the equation for muH_Temp, by replacing '[b]parameters.[/b]muH' by '[b]interface.[/b]muH'

    This should be more or less it.
    There may some small detail that I am overlooking now: but in case the syntax check should fail, please get back to the Forum.
  • Re: Variable input for a top level parameter

    Hi Monica,
    no: a model parameter, by definition, cannot vary dynamically.
    In order to be dynamically variable, a quantity needs to be defined as interface variable (input + manipulated).
  • Re: WEST16 errors opening models from WEST14

    [quote]System error: Undefined name found: X_MEOH[/quote]
    indicates that the name "X_MEOH" was not defined in a certain context.
    I don't see the error message in the log attached: only warnings related to discarded / missing properties, which simply means you're opening a 2014 BlockLib in 2016 and those are new properties introduced in 2016.
    I would expect to see the same error message in the log and that would suggest the context in which X_MEOH is undefined ...

    You could do a search in the Entire Modelbase and 'patiently' debug, until you identify the undefined name.

  • Re: WEST16 errors opening models from WEST14

    It looks like you might have an error in the Block Library.
    The error message is very clear: it does not find any Category Reference for the ASM2dChemTemp instance - I would image you had the ASM2dChemTemp, at least.

    Have you checked the Block Library, for the ASM2dChemTemp instance ?
  • Re: Automation of a bypass

    [quote author=Héctor Rey link=topic=2997.msg6715#msg6715 date=1457772891]
    I am able to create the new variable "DQO\NTK in the influent" with the calculator tool[/quote]

    You will not be able to use your [b]calculator variable[/b] in a model - you will need to use a controller to regulate the opening of the valve.

    You would not be able to make use of the same variable added to the [b]fractionation model[/b] either ("V" block).

    The only way I see is that you add your variable (DQO / NTK) to a [b]sensor model[/b] (you could use the MultiSensor and just add a new output interface variable).
    Then you will:
    [li]insert the sensor block upstream of the valve[/li]
    [li]insert a controller (most likely a new model too) that takes the DQO/NTK sensor output from the sensor; the output signal will be linked to the f_Out2 of the valve[/li]

    As a general remark, make sure that the state of the valve changes "gradually" - i.e. avoid "hard switches" where the 1st derivative is discontinuous.
    If this should be the case, consider inserting a [b]response-time model[/b] (2nd order is sufficient) between the controller and the valve.
  • Re: WEST16 errors opening models from WEST14

    this is because you must have installed WEST 2016 64 bit - which requires a separate C compiler, as explained in the note on the download page.
    So if you don't strictly need a 64 bit, I would recommend you rather install the 32 bit version.
  • Re: Anaerobic digestion followed by anammox

    no, it is not possible with the standard library and categories present in the library.
    Currently, ADM1 is only available in combination with ASM1 and ASMG1.
    In the case of ASM1_AN, there's no standard interface model ASM1_AN -> ADM1 and ADM1 -> ASM1_AN.

    However, it should not be overly complicated to slightly modify the ASM1 transformer to accommodate for the different components in ASM1_AN, e.g. NO2, NO3, X_NH, X_NO, X_AN.
  • Re: Influent modifications

    no, not really. Are you sure that once you have replaced the data sources in the Data Import tab page, you have also re-generated the merged files by clicking on the Generate button in the last page?
    If the problem persists, please contact our technical support, mikebydhi@dhigroup.com - ideally, send your case too (whole project folder).
  • Re: Pulse feeding

    I see your point.
    However, the influent blocks (of type state vector, i.e. Municipality, Industry and Truckload) are different from any other block in that they are not associated to a model which resides in the model library: instead the model is created, at the project level, by executing the Influent tool / wizard.
    So far (2014 and upcoming 2016), the only quantities (OBJ's) that can be [b]defined via the Fractionation diagram[/b] are plain [b]parameters[/b] and [b]algebraic state variables[/b]. No input interface variable (and set to manipulated) can be defined - which is what you would need in this case.
    You would also need to modify the icon itself, to expose the manipulated variable through a terminal - but this would be a minor issue.
    The main one is that you cannot define a manipulated interface variable.