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  • Conceptual geological model for saturated zone

    When setting up the saturated zone component, we need to insert horizontal extent, lower level and upper level of geological lenses. There are four problem encountered here.

    1. How to define horizontal extend in addition to lower and upper levels using geological map(How to consider dip angles).
    2. How to define faults and other geological features(dip angles) in MIKE SHE.
    3. I need to clarify is it correct weather the maps, generated from interpolating lithological depths identified using bore hole data analyzing, is enough not considering dip angles. 
    4. In my study area there is two major aquifers in same plane ( One aquifer is not under other). I am going to define boundary condition using grid codes to separate two aquifers.  It is correct or not and is there to define this condition in MIKE SHE.

    :-\ :-\
  • Re: Auto Calibration error

    Dear Sir,

    All Auto cal files are in a local directory (C:\Users\CIVILCOM\Desktop\progress 2316\she models). The MILE SHE example 1 could run when change the directory to My Document folder. Still the error is appeared. It is kind enough to consider my problem and help me to clarify these errors.

    Thank you,
  • Re: Auto Calibration error

    I found the way parameter defining thank you for the helping me. But still It make errors so I cannot calibrate the model. Now the error shows in the figure. It is kind enough to consider my problem and help me to clarify these errors.

    (The dongle no is MZ29261)
  • Auto Calibration error

    I am final year undergraduate student in Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Srilanka. I am using MIKE SHE and MIKE SHE for my undergraduate research.
    I have set up the MIKE SHE model and I have a problem with using Auto Calibration tool.

    In the Auto Calibration tool, the parameters are not shown under  'Model Parameters'.

    So simulation is not occurs.
    1)Error is shown as[color=yellow] [color=red]no model parameters are defined[/color][/color]
    2)in the log fille - "Error: The file C:\Users\CIVILCOM\Desktop\progress 2316\she models\grounnd water model 28_Autocal.she does not exist"

    Please help me to solve the problem.