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  • Re: MIKE 11 - Surface Water Abstraction

    Hi Simon,

    To model intake structures, you can simply apply one boundary per structure. In the boundary condition file, add a boundary with type "Point source" at each structure's location, and give it a negative discharge (a positive value flows towards the river, and a negative one is "pumped" from the river).

    Hope this will help!

    Best regards,
  • Re: [HELP] Convert Cross-section to XYZ


    thank you very much for sharing this with other users!

    Best regards,
  • Re: [HELP] Convert Cross-section to XYZ


    You can extract the XY coordinates as well as Z elevation for points with markers using the res11read.exe tool.

    This tool is installed in the installation folder, and can extract some data from a MIKE 11 result file. To run this tool, you have to type the res11read.exe command from a DOS prompt: this will give you the various options available for extracting data from a result file.

    This res11read.exe tool is also described in MIKE 11's manual.

    It can't however return the XYZ data for all points given in a cross-section in the *.xns11 file.

    Let us know if you need further help to use it.

    Best regards,
  • Re: Licens for Mike 21 fm inland flooding

    Hi Johanna,

    Yes, the "Inland flooding" option is a license control: if you use MIKE 21 as part of a MIKE FLOOD license, you can only use the flood related features of MIKE 21. So when you have a MIKE FLOOD license you need to tick this option, and some features (e.g. waves related) are deactivated. But for the standard hydrodynamic simulations, the Inland flooding option has no effect on the results in FM version.

    Best regards,
  • Re: Licens for Mike 21 fm inland flooding

    Hi Johanna,

    The "Inland flooding" module is the option you should normally use when you have a MIKE FLOOD license. If you have a standalone MIKE 21 FM license (without MIKE FLOOD), you should not use this module.

    In MIKE 21 (Classic version), the Inland Flooding option triggers a different way of handling Flooding and Drying. However in the FM version, in version 2014 SP1, the Flooding and Drying options are independent of this module: so with this version, you should simply untick the Inland Flooding (because apparently your license doesn't need it), and then you are free to select the Flooding and Drying option you want in the "Flood and dry" menu.

    Best regards,
  • Re: MIKE 21 FM

    Hi Ratnakumar,

    After running a simulation, a simple way to open the file , is to go to the 'Outputs' menu in MIKE 21 FM, and in the list of output files to click on the 'View' button. If the file has been created, it will open up wherever it has been saved.

    If this 'View' button is disabled, that means that no file has been generated.

    If that's the case, the reason may be that there was an error during your simulation: if the simulation starts normally, you can see the following text in the 'Simulation tab':
    ======================== COMPUTATION STARTED =========================
    If you don't see it, you probably have an error in your setup, and no file is created because the simulation simply didn't start. Check this 'Simulation' tab (or the log file) to identify any error.

    Best regards,
  • Re: Mike11 Network from shape file


    This is achieved by following the two steps below:
    - first you need to load your shape file : go to Layers \ Add/Remove... and add a new entry in the table. Click on the field "Image" to change it to "Shape file", and select the file to be loaded.
    - Finally go to Network \ Generate branches from shape file. Here you should select the option "Generate points and branch".

    Best regards,
  • Re: Bridge Modeling in two time-steps (Stand-Collapse)


    You can indeed use the hotstart option in order to use the results of the first simulation as initial conditions for the second one with failure.

    You should keep all the river in the setup, there is no need to spit it into two different parts.

    This method is a good solution to model an abrupt (i.e. instantaneous) failure of the structure. If you would however like to model smooth failures, with intermediate states of the structure's geometry, you should consider using the "Dambreak" or "Control strucure" types instead (which require a specific license).

    Best regards,
  • Re: Export computational nodes to shapefile

    Hi Aurelian,

    You should try to use the res11read.exe tool for that: it allows to export the coordinates (along with other data) from a *.res11 file into a text file.

    You can then load these coordinates into your GIS directly from a text file, but from the GIS you can also export the data to a Shape File.

    The res11read.exe tool has to be executed from a DOS prompt. It's described in MIKE 11's manuals, but let me know if you need assistance to use it.

    Best regards,
  • Re: Import cross section raw data with coodinates

    OK I think this problem was related to the 2009 version, and that this feature now works with the 2014 version.