• RES1d tool for QGIS

    Dear all,
    I've installed the QGIS plug-in to visualize *.res1d and it worked out but the resulting river network is not well defined (as in MIKE View) with all points and it is depicted through connections between just a few points (points identified by a structure or a junction). The resulting network in the map is very raw. It would be a wonderful tool beacuse you can visulize results above a referred map, you can select points with the crayfish plugin also, but it is not useful if you cannot represent the well defined network.
    Please does anyone know if is it possible to load the complete geometry with the QGIS visualization (RES1D in QGIS 3.22 and above)?
    Thank you
  • Re: Time variability due to TS Irrigation and/or Abstraction

    I've just tried Abstraction as Boundary Point with a Time serie instead of considering the Irrigation Tab (in this case a specific catchment definition is required). In my case I'm analyzing a very complex sistem where my interes is focused on mean fluxes. Measurements show me a seasonal discrepancy with model results after autocalibration and optimization.
    Using the time serie abstraction in local points, you can check the irrigation abstraction and ET consumption and it works quite well.
    I'm working with that for the moment....
    Any idea?...
  • Time variability due to TS Irrigation and/or Abstraction

    Hi guys
    I'm quite new in using MIKE Hydro River, I would ask if anyone has experience in introducing a time serie or "something" to match seasonal variability of measured discharges in a continuous multi-year simulation. I think it is due to Irrigation so I'm trying two possibilities: (a) by introducing irrigation and seasonal crop coefficients but the problem is that it seems it is the same every year; (b) by introducing an abstraction that could be represented by a Time Serie (that I can input from external analyses) but I'm not able to make it to work.
    Is there any article or document related to this subject available?
    Please could anybody help me? or is anybody interested in exploring this subject with me?
    Thank you very much
    Kind regards
    Paolo Gyssels