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  • Re: Simulate a spring with feflow

    You can use a constant head boundary, with a constraint on it, so that it releases water only when the head is above ground surface.  If you know the spring is present, then its a good way to test the model. 

  • Re: Converting SHP to Observation Set Points - free XYZ?

    Can anyone help? It apparently is converting them correctly as I can see them in the list of observed points, I just cannot see them on slice view.

    I can see them in 3D view, so thats fine.  However, there is no option to see the scatter plot in 3D view.
  • Converting SHP to Observation Set Points - free XYZ?

    Is it possible to have a 2D shape file, but with a column for elevation, and convert it to and Observation Point Set using a free XYZ position?

    What i have done so far is:

    - imported the point set via the Map dialog
    - Select "Convert to Observation Points" in the context menu of the map
    - Specified the Elevation column as Z  (X and Y are intrinsically taken from the shp file geometry)
    etc and hit ok.

    I did not get any errors, but there are no observation points when i did this.  Alternatively, if i randomly chose a slice rather than free XYZ, then this adds observation points from the map file, but this is not what i want - i do not have slices for each obs point, only an elevation.

    Any ideas?
