Which is the change in my results when I change a 2D model into 3D?
can somebody tell me how I can make leave my results load in various stages in files dac directly without having has to do it one by one?
I like to knouw how to assign or modify a thermal expansion coefficient in Feflow 5.2?
Another question: how to verify the total volumetric heat capacity of the porous environment?
Does Feflow allow taking into account an unsaturated zone by more than 20 m of thickness?
Zebra, Juliette,
Thank you for these explanations, as Juliette I used the second solution(power function) and that walks well!
Once again thank you
I would like to know how to impose a one month recharge per year during several years.
Thank you
I have problems below to solve:
1)For a vertical 2D problem with a free surface, which best the model(Genuchten or linear) to model the unsaturated zone?
2) to simulate infiltration I imposed a 2nd kind of BC condition but I see that flows are not uniform during the simulation. why?
3) to calculate total flow entering my model, I must multiply the value given by the budjet analyzer by the depth of my aquifer?
Thank you in advance for your answers!
To calculate the total flow entered the model, I must multiplie the value given by the budjet analyzer by the depth of the aquifer?
Hello, Thank you zebra for your answer.
I have two other problem to solve:
1)For a vertical 2D problem with a free surface, which best the model(Genuchten or linear) to model the unsaturated zone?
2) to simulate infiltration I imposed a 2nd kind of BC condition but I see that flows are not uniform during the simulation. why?
Thank you in advance for your answers!