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  • Re: biosorption kinetics in AB process (A stage +B stage)

    Thanks Enrico.

    yes, we should add new components and corresponding processes into the matrix. I may do some work on this.
  • biosorption kinetics in AB process (A stage +B stage)

    Recenly, I am working with a pilot study based on AB process, in which biosorption is an important process mechanism in transfering COD absorbed into anaerobic digestion for energy generation. Some of the biosorption kinetics could be found in references. Is there any  approved biosorption kinetics equation? Or, is it possible to put it into the Gujer matrix? It was claimed that the biosorption has a relationship to do with the generation of EPS, which may be an another challenge, or to indicate it with the MLSS?
  • Re: ObjValue and Error

    Many thanks to Enrico and Filip.

    I also referred to Filip's thesis.

    I will be appreciated if you can educate me the specific meaning of
    '...Maximum Number of Function Evaluations
      Print Level
      Maximum Number of Stops
      Seed for Random Number Generator...' in the optimization method of Praxis

    I tried to find the answer from the web, but do not really understand them.
    Actually, in those advanced expriments, there are quite a lot proffessional math. terms. Is there any specific introduction or manual on these topic? For example, I got quite some knowledge on sensitivity analysis from Filip's thesis. thanks again.
  • Re: ObjValue and Error

    my second question regarding the difference is :

    according to the specification in the latest user guide:

      '[b]...Variable Criterion: Method that is to be used to compute the difference
    between the variable's sub-criteria and their desired values.
    The options are:
    AbsSquared: Squared difference...[/b]'

    How to show the difference? The desired values are the 'Desired value' of sub-tag in the tag of time series criteria?
  • ObjValue and Error

    my questions are :
    1, How to calculate the ObjValue and Error in the tag of run in advanced experiments. is there any formula for reference?

    2, In the tag of Variables, the variable criterion is used to indicate the difference between the variable's sub-critreia and the desired values, how to show the difference?
  • With in-tank settling

    The question is:
    For T type oxidation ditch,  the ditch on the two sides will be used for sedimentation during a particular period, can we use WEST to simulate this process with biological degradation followed by sedimentation in one tank?