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Posted Wed, 16 Oct 2013 02:14:06 GMT by dxmzdz
Recenly, I am working with a pilot study based on AB process, in which biosorption is an important process mechanism in transfering COD absorbed into anaerobic digestion for energy generation. Some of the biosorption kinetics could be found in references. Is there any  approved biosorption kinetics equation? Or, is it possible to put it into the Gujer matrix? It was claimed that the biosorption has a relationship to do with the generation of EPS, which may be an another challenge, or to indicate it with the MLSS?
Posted Wed, 16 Oct 2013 10:20:49 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
I am not aware of any "approved" biosorption process description - but other users may.
If you have such mathematical process description, it can certainly be inputted through the Gujer Matrix editor. The outcome will be a new Model Category - whether you define a new set of Components that include EPS, or use more conventional ones.
Posted Thu, 17 Oct 2013 02:57:40 GMT by dxmzdz
Thanks Enrico.

yes, we should add new components and corresponding processes into the matrix. I may do some work on this.

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