• Blow-Up in Mike21-3 integrated model and illegal storage aceess error

    Hi eveyone,

    I am trying to model couple jetties on a sandy beach. I am using Mike21-3 integrated model (HD-ST-SW) and I tried lots of things but model blows every time. The error massage was attached.

    I am using 6 hours interval wave and wind time series.

    sediment table covers all data but program says

    Tp > Tpmax in sediment table

    Hrms > Hrmsmax in sediment table

    how can it happens i dont understand.

    what is the "illegal storage access" error ?

    There are lots of empty space in Hard disk and my computer is HP Z640, very powerfull PC.

    please help me 


    Christian thanks for reply.

    I didn't use GPU, I dont have GPU.

    I have about 8000 elements, working area is 1500m x 3500m

    I checked mesh carefully, there is no bad element like small-big element changes

    Also I used low order method as you said

    Do you know ST module can solve my problem, ST can simulate bed level changes with sediment which coming from sandy beach?

    Do you know ST module can simulate 10 years or more ?

    best regards

    Hi everyone, I have a problem

    There is a fishing harbor at the attachment. Harbour located at the end of a narrow beach. With incoming waves sediment moves to the harbor. At "A" point depth was -7 m in 2006 and -0.5 m in 2016.

    Is the sediment transport module (ST) or mud transport module (MT) can simulate 10 years sediment moving with reasonable time ?

    I tried to simulate HD-SW-ST coupled with 10 days , it took 2 hours.

    If I try to simulate 10 years, I think it will take 1 week.

    1 week is not acceptable simulation time so how can I simulate this siltation problem ?

    Is the LITPACK can give me depth changes ?   

    Thank you all