Catchment and slope
Hello everyone,
I bought the student license version of MIKEurban.
Actually I'm working on Catchment Slope and Length tool but when I run tool this advise appears:
"Impossibile trovare le risorse appropriate per le impostazioni cultura specificate o impostazioni cultura di sistema nell'assembly specificato. Assicurarsi che "DHI.GENERIC.Resources" è stato correttamente incorporato o collegato all'assembly "DHI.GENERIC" in fase di compilazione o che tutti gli assembly satellite richiesti siano caricaili e firmati completamente"
This message appear me in Italian language but the language software is in English (my laptop is in Italian language).
I traduce this message in English for you:
"Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture in the specified assembly. Make sure "DHI. Generic. Resources "was correctly embedded or linked to the assembly" DHI. GENERIC at compile time or that all satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed"
I didn't get why this message appears. Could you help me?
What I have to do?
Thank you at all in advanced