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  • linear spatially-varying Head BC

    could you tell me how I can assign a Head BC that varies linearly along a line from a max to a min value?
    This was possible with classical interface by using the TAB key.
  • Re: Measure tool

    8) good idea Joseph! you solved my problem!
  • 3d drain tunnel

    Hi, how can I modelize a 3d drain tunnel into a complex strata condition? The tunnel cut a lot of slices.
  • Re: problem with a quadcore

    Thanks for the solution. I have another little question:
    is possible to run feflow on multiple machine(something like distribuited computing)? We haven't a faster pc and the simulation take a lot of time.
  • problem with a quadcore

    Hi, i'm running a large 3d model on a quadcore, but unfortunately it use only 25% of total cpu power.
    Are there any setting or tricks that we need to do for run the at full power.

    Feflow is set to run with all the cpu. My computer have 2 dual core AMD Opteron processor 2212 2.01 gh, with 16 gb ram, 64 bit.