• grid points dfs2 file

    Hello everyone,
    I have an output in grid file format (dfs2). When I open it, I have grid points (with relative parameters of Hs, Tp, MWD simulated) and shoreline/boundary grid points. If I export it in .txt (with mike2txt tool) I have all this points listed, but I only want to read simulated grid points. So, is it possible to delete boundary and shoreline grid points in order to obtain .txt out files with a reduced dimension in MB? Of course with a toolbox tool?
    Many thanks!
  • Re: converting output to text format

    thanks Palle, I only need to manage a old output, to obtain ASCII files...I will try with a matlab procedure.
    many thanks
  • Re: converting output to text format

    it's an old 2007 version  :-[
  • Re: converting output to text format

    Hi Palle,
    I have the same problem of Jalarcon, but I didn't find the solution. If you know how, can you please write or show the exact procedure to obtain ASCII files from Mike 21 SW, in which every output file is a wave simulated? because I red more than one post about it, but I can fix this problem.
    ps: we must consider that if we try to convert a .dfsu file into a .dfs2 , the tool isn't able to modify the number of grid point, that is very important when you want to maintain the resolution of the simulation also in the output.
    many thanks