• Re: Doubts with BC's (seepage) in an excavation!

    Thanks Björn for your support!
  • Re: Seepage for tunnels

    Thanks Pete!!
    I appreciate your help and support with Feflow!
  • Unstructured meshing for tunnels/Elements selections problems...

    Hi guys!
    I try to use the unstructured mesh in feflow 7.0 to make possible the progressive drilling in a tunnel. I used the points of geometry of tunnel (contour) and I built the mesh, but I have some doubts and I don't know, how can I do to access to the volume or the tetrahedrals (inside of the tunnel) to save the selection and assign after the time series to turn off in transient state.

    I appreciate your help.

  • Help with unconfined aquifer!

    Hi guys, I try to do a model with the new unstructured mesh, but when I configure the problem of the model in unconfined aquifers in the problem class, I can't activate this option. Can you help me with this?
  • Re: Help with hydraulic conductivity!

    Thanks Björn Kaiser, I'll try to do it
  • Re: Help with hydraulic conductivity!

    Thanks Björn Kaiser for your answer. I dont use Fepest for this situation.

    I see this code that is a good option for generation random of the parameters "http://m2matlabdb.ma.tum.de/download.jsp?MC_ID=5&MP_ID=31" but I would like to know if in feflow, I can do it with the expression editor or I need a plug-in or what is your recomendation for do it?

    I try to simulate an anisotropy in the model with random values of K with each element and I interpolated the values with the Feflow method but this did not work.
    See in... https://www.dropbox.com/s/scp5fsvtjf92s46/image.JPG?dl=0

  • Help with hydraulic conductivity!

    Hi guys,
    I try to generate a random of parameters in my model (specially K) for see the comportement with differents scenarios. But I can do it automatically how is possible in Processing Modflow - pmwin.
    Can you give please  some idea to do the formulas in the expression editor or external code?
    Thank you for your help!
  • Doubts with BC's (seepage) in an excavation!

    Hey guys, I have some doubts with the BC's that simulate an excavation.

    When I turn off the elements in a domain, also restrict all configurations containing nodes (boundary conditions, time series, etc.)? I reviewed my .dac file, and I saw that the BC's (seepage + modelation function) assigned in the nodes are still active. It is visual or actually continue to drain? I have to change my time series (modulation function) in the nodes, only for the time step that it will be active? I leave active the nodes during all simulation.

    Thanks for your help!
  • Re: Elevation

    Thanks Bjorn, can you give me some procedure to do it, please? I try to load the file (*.dxf) with un simple geometry using the commands "3D poly" and "box" of AutocadCivil but Feflow don't understand the structure of the file.

    See the pictures:

    error.jpg -> command 3D poly
    error2.jpg -> command box
  • Elevation

    Hi all, how can I do to load the geometries in Feflow that you can see in the picture?
    These structures are associates with elevations in an slice?