RE: ifm_contrib now working with FEFLOW v.7.5
Thank you, Francesca.
I tried all the possible python version 3.5 and above, but the ifm_contrib module can't be loaded. I installed python as regular, but not sure the second requirment- Python SDK . Can you tell me more about Python SDK ? where to downlaod and how to install it. I use the kernel version with Anaconda3 and the classic ifm works fine with 7.5.
Thank you again -
RE: ifm_contrib now working with FEFLOW v.7.5
RE: ifm_contrib now working with FEFLOW v.7.5
Error Message -
ifm_contrib now working with FEFLOW v.7.5
Hello : I'm new to ifm_contrib and wondering if anyone has solved the below error: I use the FEFLOW 7.5 version and the defualt ifm work well, but ifm_contrib. Although I changed the sys.path to try v 7.2 and 7.4, kernel shows only FEFLOW 7.502, hence couln't try the ifm_contrib with diffrent versions. Several people indicated this issue on github page, but not solution is provided there..I would greatly appreciate any support
observation history (time series ) of soil moisture and saturation
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ifm'
RuntimeError: Unspecified error!
Ifm issue -has been resolved with compatible python version, but I get the below error message . I'm using FEFLOW 7.2 (update &) and Python 3.7.9
RESTART: \\tclient\C\Users\Public\Documents\DHI FEFLOW 7.4\demo\python_examples\scripts\FEFLOW_example2.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "\\tsclient\C\Users\Public\Documents\DHI FEFLOW 7.4\demo\python_examples\scripts\FEFLOW_example2.py", line 22, in <module>
doc = ifm.loadDocument(FEM_FILE)
RuntimeError: Unspecified error!I would appreciate your help. Thanks