Re: who can help me!
the reason for that behaviour are probably model oscillations. The hydraulic head at the boundary condition oscillate and FEFLOW can not achieve the flux condition. Possible reason can be:
the water table drops below and several layer fall dry, the conductivity is reduced (only available for phreatic models) ->you should increase the residual water depth of dry cells
in ‘free and movable’ the model thickness is changed and that caused different fluxes-->use the integral flux boundary condition instead of the normal flux boundary condition
The list of possible reason and relationships between the parameter and boundary condition is still long and it is difficult to evaluate it without the model. You can send the fem file to support@wasy.de if you can not find the exact reason.
Cheers Karsten
Re: Multi-species transport
Hi Vincent,
you did detected a bug, the observation point groups works only for the first species. The bug will be fixed in the next Patch (5.208). Thank you
Best regards,
Karsten -
Re: import hydraulic conductivity file?
the data import can be handled with a import filter too. The advantage you can import all data (or whole finite element problems) on the whole and the filter can be programmed in script languages. So you can use the Cygwin program (on the FEFLOW DVD-->Third party software) and you don't need a Microsoft compiler.