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  • Aeration parameters


    I'm trying to set the parameters of the aeraation unit of ASM1 model (y_S K_P T_I u_0 u_min u_max), but I can't find the description of these parameters in the West model guide.

    Can anybody help me, please ?

  • ADM1 version used in WEST

    does everybody know which version of the ADM1 model is the one included in WEST ?

    Considering the INPUT data required and the parameters I guess it should be the BSM developed by Ulf Jeppson, but I tried to compare the output of the two models (WEST and BSM) starting from identical INPUT and I got different results.

    Do you know why ?
  • Re: ADM1 parameters

    so I guess the default value should be 1. Do you agree ?
  • ADM1 parameters

    Hello everybody!

    I'm using Anaerobic Digestion Model (ADM1) in WEST; I set all the parameters of the model but I don't understand the meaning of the parameter f_X_Out (fraction of the biomass that leaves the digester).

    Does anybody know which is a typical value of this parameter and in which ADM1 equations it is considered ?

    thank you