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  • Error: Processed Hydraulic radii must be positive


    I have some that other users of MIKE 11 have had this error at the moment to run the Simulation. I have tried many alternatives and still I could not solve the problem. I am developing a 1D Model and I am trying to simulate the spillage from the riverbed to the floodplains, with a parallel branch the represent the longitudinal profile, as conceptually is explained in the manual and in different articles. The study area is characterized by flat floodplains, along the river stretch.

    I appreciate if someone can give me tips to delineate the floodplains with the branches or can advice me how I can solve this error. If you need additional information, please let me know.



  • Re: Floodplain


    I have the same problems with my cross sections in the flood plains. I tried to extent it but still I am getting hydraulic radios with zero values. Can I send it to you the cross section to analayze what is happening?


    Ivan Mantilla