
How do I download MIKE Product installation files or hotfixes? 

You can download MIKE Product installation files or hotfixes from the Download Centre or refer to
MIKE 2025 - DHI Customer Care Portal for the installation files for the latest version 

You will always find the the latest iterations of the two most recent major version releases of MIKE products available for downloading.

 'Sign in' from the Portal is required prior to downloading any of the MIKE products or hotfixes. Please refer to this article on how to register/sign in to the DHI Customer Care Portal

#01 - Browse to the Download Centre 

#02 - Set up the filter by 'Product' , ' Category', 'Operating System' or 'Version' from the left-panel Menu.

Below example shows MIKE+ in version 2024.

You may also search directly for the product or hotfix you wish to download. For partial text put '*' before and after the text. 


As the 'Category' is not filtered you will see the result list including documentation as well. Simply tick the 'Installation file' under the category then click on 'Apply filter' you will now only see the installation files related to MIKE+. 

#03 - Click on the file you wish to download. It will open up a new page with the detailed information.  

#04 - If you have as yet not yet 'Sign in' it will direct you to the 'Sign in' page. 

Once the downloading starts you can check the progress bar showing as in below figure.

* Please note:  The full installation guide for each product is available for downloading under category 'User Guide' in the downloading center. 

DHI Customer Care Portal




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