
What-if scenarios can be executed using the “Learning Plant” and the “Predictive Plant”. Here, users can perform what-if scenarios analysis to test virtually alternative operating conditions and strategies and compare the tested plant performance against the current one (i.e. baseline). The two sections include the exact same functionalities, except for that:

  • The "Learning Plant" allows users to execute scenario evaluations in the past and also define the period of interest
  • The "Predictive Plant" allows users to execute scenario evaluations in the future. Here, the period of interest is bound to the forecast period (up to 48-hours ahead).

Here are the required steps for the “Learning Plant”.

Step #01 - Create a new scenario - Figs. 1-2
To set up a new scenario, click on ‘Create Learning Scenario’.

Fig. 1 - Scenario creation tab

A pop-up window will appear, where users can name the scenario and provide a description. You can now select the start and end date for the scenario evaluation.  

Fig. 2 - Selection of start and end dates for the scenario evaluation

After clicking on ‘Create Scenario’, the newly created scenario will now appear at the top of the list.

Step #02 – Change Input Timeseries and Parameters - Figs. 3-9

Input Timeseries includes all handles (operational settings, operating conditions) that can vary dynamically over the course of the period of interest. Some of these settings can also be constant and set to vary as part of a scenario. 

After having created a scenario, click on the three vertical dots on the right of the scenario of interest and then click on ‘Edit Input Timeseries’.

Fig. 3 - Scenario preparation options and Editing Input Timeseries

A window will appear, providing an overview of all input handles that can be modified by the user.

You can now modify the Input Timeseries of interest by clicking on the three vertical dots on the right side and selecting ‘Modify’.

A screen shot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated
Fig. 4 - Summary of modifiable input time series

A new pop-up window will appear on screen, where you can visualise the time series for the period of interest and modify the data for the scenario evaluation.

A graph with blue lines<br><br>Description automatically generated
Fig. 5 - Graphical tools for editing of input time series

Modifications can be applied to the whole time series (‘Apply to all time series values’) or to selected values (‘Apply to selected values’).

Modifications that can be applied to a time series include:

•          Applying a Factor: this action will apply the same multiplying factor (1.5-times, 2-times, …) to all or selected data points of the time series
•          Applying an Offset: this action will add or subtract (+100, -1000, …) the same value to all or selected data points of the time series
•          Edit value: this action sets the same value for all or selected data points in the series

The original time series is shown as a green dashed line, while the modified time series is shown as a purple dotted line. If needed, the modified time series can be set to the original values by clicking on ‘Reset’. Once the desired changes are applied, you can apply them by clicking ‘Save’.


Fig. 6 - Time series manipulation (50% increase compared to baseline value)


Fig. 7 - Time series manipulation (offsetting by 10,000 compared to baseline value)

Input Parameters include all handles that are strictly constant over the period of interest. These handles include intrinsic properties of the system, such as process rate (e.g., maximum growth rates of nitrifying bacteria) and tank volumes. After having created a scenario, click on the three vertical dots to the right of the scenario of interest and then click  ‘Edit Input Parameters’.

Fig. 8 - Scenario preparation options and Editing Input Parameters

A window will appear, providing an overview of all input handles that can be modified by the user. These handles are arranged in sections and sub-sections. You can select the parameter of interest, click on the three vertical dots on the right side, and set the desired value. Upon confirmation, the new parameter value will be defined together with the original value.

Fig. 9 - Manipulation of Input Parameters

Step #03 - Run scenarios and evaluate results - Figs. 10-11
To run the scenario, close the input overview window, go to the scenario of interest, click on the three vertical dots and then click on ‘Execute’.

Fig. 10 - Scenario execution

Once the scenario execution is finalised, you can visualise the results of the scenario and compare with the baseline (i.e., present) performance of the WWTP.

To do so, you should select the scenario of interest. In the Scenario Outputs section, you will be able visualise a set of pre-defined plots, where scenario results (full lines) can be compared with baseline results (dashed lines).

Fig. 11 - Visualization of what-if scenario results and comparison with baseline operation

Wish a quick introduction to running what-if scenarios using the TwinPlant "Learning Plant" module? Watch this video - enjoy and learn!



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