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Posted 10 years ago by Fermin Avila
When I run a Mike 3 simulation in MPI mode, I always get as many subdomains as number of processors I choose to use. When the simulation ends, all the result files for each subdomains are reintegrated in just one result file such as a normal run.
If the simulation  stops abnormally because of an external failure as a lack of disk space or power blackout, you get many result files as number of processors you use. My question is:
Is there any way of reintegrate all these files without re-running the simulation? It took 220 hours.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Posted 10 years ago by Say Lee
I would love to hear about the solution as well. I have similar experience running MIKE 21 SW and often have to re-run.

Say Chong
Posted 10 years ago by Michael Potthoff
Hi favila

Please contact the support; there exists an internal tool that might help here but it depends a little bit on the version you use.

Regards, Michael

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