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Posted Sun, 11 Oct 2015 15:19:31 GMT by Vishal Singh Scientist C
Dear Sir,

I have setup my model carefully. When I am simulating it then it is giving error "as the h-point :River Name:82404.00 meter the water depth greater than 4 times max depth"

I checked my cross sections but not getting the proper solution of it. When I am trying to see my results in Mike View then it is not displaying anything.

Facing Problem in Mike 11 HD ?? - ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed Oct 11, 2015].
Posted Sun, 11 Oct 2015 17:30:49 GMT by Ricardo Machado Student
Hi vishaliitg,

You can find the answer to your question here:

Best regards,
Ricardo Machado

Posted Sun, 11 Oct 2015 17:38:05 GMT by Vishal Singh Scientist C
Dear Ricardo Machado,

thanks but the link which u shared is not opening.
plz give another link or idea so i can fix this problem.

Posted Mon, 12 Oct 2015 09:15:43 GMT by Vishal Singh Scientist C
i tried it all the ways but problem is not fixed yet
Posted Tue, 13 Oct 2015 07:04:12 GMT by Çağrı Karaman
Go to installation folder under Program Files. In my case it is in directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2014\bin\x64". Find the file "Mike11.ini". Open it with notepad and find the line "WL_EXCEEDANCE_FACTOR=4"
You can change the default value (which is 4) to lets say 40. Save "Mike11.ini" file and run your simulation again.
Posted Wed, 14 Oct 2015 21:20:38 GMT by Ricardo Machado Student
Hello again,

I would strongly advise against changing the WL_EXCEEDANCE_FACTOR parameter before taking a better look at your model, as that will prevent you from spotting unstable behaviour in your model which could be simply caused by some overlooked detail that you can easily fix. Changing that parameter should be a last resort measure.

The link works fine for me but I'll transcribe the instructions. Here's what it says:


Hydrodynamics: Errors: I get the error message No 25 during simulation:
"Error No 25: At the h-point (location) the water depth greater than 4 times max. Depth".
Why does this happen and what can be done to overcome this problem?


This error message essentially says that your MIKE 11 model is unstable (numerical unstable or with erroneous waves introduced due to poor initial conditions)!
It frequently occurs when there is an inconsistency in your bed level elevations at the branch junctions. For example, if the bed elevation of the main branch is much greater than the side branch, then the water piles up and causes this error.
Another typical cause of this error to occur is if the simulation is made with a timestep which is too large compared to what is reasonable when analysing courant number criteria (Cr = v * dt/dx).
Some ways to avoid these are: Decrease the time step, Change wave approximation to Higher Order Fully Dynamic and/or increase the Delta value (0.5 in default) to 0.7-0.8. Wave approximation and Delta value are specified in the HD editor in the tabs Wave Approx and Default Values respectively.
In case the error 25 is caused by poor initial conditions these may either be improved or the allowed factor 4 exceedence may be increased to a larger value. The latter is done in the Mike11.ini file placed in the Windows folder. The line WL_EXCEEDANCE_FACTOR=4 may simply be changed to say WL_EXCEEDANCE_FACTOR=100."

Best regards,
Ricardo Machado
Posted Wed, 31 Jul 2024 17:00:10 GMT by Destianto Hendrawan
I changed my exceedance factor to 100 but still have error. What would be the case?

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