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Posted Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:49:57 GMT by Pamenifor

I can watch the results with MIKE View, but I wonder if I can watch them in a table also.

Best regards
Posted Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:13:43 GMT by Mathieu Hellegouarch
Hi Pamenifor,

Yes, this is possible. After clicking the 'Select gridpoint' icon in the toolbar, you can click 'List' to get access to the full list of calculation points. From here, you can select a number of calculation points, and then click 'Show values' to get the results in a table format.

Best regards
Posted Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:27:31 GMT by Pamenifor
Thnak you very much!!

That is really usefull.

Best regards.

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