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Posted Fri, 27 Nov 2015 08:38:22 GMT by RL
Hi there

I generated the points and the branch for my river with using a shape file. However, for the length of the river of about 145km, around 125'000 point were generated. Approximatly ever 1-2m a point. Due to that the performance of the software dropped massively, leading to a waiting time of 30-60sec after each action.
How can I reduce the number of point that are used to define the branch? Is it only possible mannually by deleting point by point?

Many thanks :)
Posted Sat, 05 Dec 2015 05:23:00 GMT by Craig Goodier Principal Engineer
If your shapefile was generated in Arcmap, you could try the 'simplify line' tool in Arcmap to reduce the number of vertices.  Then import the simplified line to Mike11.
Posted Tue, 19 Jan 2016 11:01:34 GMT by Mathieu Hellegouarch

instead of editing the number of points, you can also try to simply switch off the display of these points, from the menu Settings \ Network.

Posted Thu, 28 Jan 2016 16:21:08 GMT by RL
Hi there
Thanks a lot for your answers!!
I did it in the first generating a new shape file with less points.
Cheers RL

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