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Posted Fri, 20 Apr 2018 22:19:17 GMT by beno171717
Hi there,

I was told on the training course that for a water network model it is more accurate to use water meter location data for adding in a network demand.

But I have two files, the shape file for water meter location & ID and the Excel file for the water meter demand (in l/s).
I understand how to import the demand if all information is loaded into the shape file, but this is not the case for me.

* Can I import the water meter location & ID using the shape file and then add in the meter demand using an Excel file?
  Does anyone know the process?
  Is there a better way?

Any help is appreciated  :D

Posted Mon, 23 Apr 2018 03:17:25 GMT by Mohit Jangid
Yes. it's possible to import Shape file for water meter locations and then add water demand from excel file. Try following steps
1. Import shp for water meter locations with ID as description or MUID. This  way it'll be easy to identify the demands from excel file with water meter location.
2. Open Arcmap layout from Mike Urban and use join/relate functions in ArcGIS to add water demand from excel to demand points. you can use MUID to correlate the tables. you may have to convert excel to csv/dbf format in Arc map to use correlate/join functions.

It'll be easier if you could add demand first with water meter shapefiles, and then import it in mike urban.


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