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Posted Thu, 09 Jan 2014 10:01:09 GMT by Vianney Courdent

I am using meteorological data from radar observation which are defined through time on a 3 km grid. Therefore, I created a dfs2 file to store these data (ie: there is one dfs0 file for each grid cell).

I would like to use directly my dfs2 file as boundary item in the catchment load. My dfs2 file has coordinates same as my catchment. So technically, it is possible to match each basin with the corresponding time series.

Does someone knows if it possible and how to do it?

Thank you,

Posted Thu, 09 Jan 2014 22:00:31 GMT by Thomas Telegdy
The first of the [url=]City Tools[/url]  is the [i]MIKE URBAN 2012 Weather Radar Tool[/i]. I've never used it, and a quick download reveals that there is no documentation included in the zip.

But have a try. If the tool doesn't work for you (you can't install, it doesn't read dfs2, whatever) I'm confident that we can find somebody at DHI who knows more about it and who may tweak the tool into your direction.

Posted Wed, 15 Jan 2014 15:18:19 GMT by Vianney Courdent
Hi Thomas,

Thank you for your answer. I looked into City Tools, there is indeed a feature to convert dfs2 to dfs0. It's localized each catchments according to the grid and create a specific dfs0 by weighting the corresponding cells.

Such tool is very relevant for small grid size while I dealing with a large grid. Furthermore this method is time consuming (creating one dfs0 for each catchment) and lead to an high computation time for the runoff generation.  In my case the computation time is major issue, so I decided to modified my IronPython script in order to generate a network of dfs0 files rather than one dfs2 file.


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