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Posted Wed, 26 Dec 2018 00:38:10 GMT by Amanjot Singh
I am trying to convert a DEM file to Mike format using MikeZero tool box. However, the toolbox needs DEM in ASCII format. That means, as I understand, an additional step is needed to convert a DEM file to ASCII. Any suggestions accomplish this step? I don't have access to ArcGiS. In the DEM file folder there are some .adf files and a sta.bmp file.


Posted Wed, 02 Jan 2019 12:29:08 GMT by Douglas Graham
Sorry, I replied to your first query and can now see that you have already found the Toolbox.
You don't say what the format for your DEM is.
What program are you using now to create/edit your DEM?
Posted Sat, 02 Feb 2019 03:27:20 GMT by Anuwat
I have tried this method to use it and feel very good.

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