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Posted Thu, 14 Nov 2013 16:09:00 GMT by Vianney Courdent

I want to automatically create dfs2 files from hdf5 files. I am considering to create a Java routine to do so.

I know that DHI has created a “DHI Mathlab Toolbox”, so dfs files can be handled by Matlab.  Do you know if there is any similar toolbox or documents for Java?

Thank you,
Posted Wed, 20 Nov 2013 10:55:00 GMT by Chto
Hi Vianney,

as I know, there's is no special interface designed for JAVA.

But, you can find some examples of how to handle dfs - Files in other programming languages in your MIKE - installation directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2012\MIKE Zero\Manuals\MIKE_ZERO\FileFormats

I am not a programmer, but possibly you can use the library of the .NET - API in JAVA also.

Maybe, that helps.

Bests Christian
Posted Fri, 06 Dec 2013 14:20:00 GMT by Vianney Courdent
Thank you Christian,

The documentation and examples in "FileFormats" are very useful. In order to use directly the .NET framework, I decided to drop Java and to use IronPython instead. Which, after some time of adaptation, is working just fine.

For the future reader,  MIKE SDK (Software Development Kit) is addressing this kind of issues and will be available with the new release (2014)


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