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Posted Sat, 22 Aug 2015 06:23:56 GMT by didga82
Admittedly I am new to FeFlow so apologies but can someone please help me with the error message 'invalid pointer' I keep getting when trying to convert my well location shape files to observation points?
Posted Mon, 24 Aug 2015 10:10:02 GMT by Björn Kaiser
Could you please update to the latest FEFLOW 6.2 [i]Patch 9[/i] and try to reproduce the error message? In the main menu, please click on [b]Help[/b] and then on [b]About[/b]. Finally, click on the button [b]Check for Updates[/b].
Posted Mon, 24 Aug 2015 13:51:09 GMT by didga82
Awesome. It worked.

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