Hi There.
When I am trying to apply differing time series (average, wet, dry, monsoon years) to my material property in/outflow my heads are coming out huuuuge!! Like 8000m when in steady state they are between 2-3m.
I am trying to run it for one year using a .pow file like I have attached.
Can anyone pleeeeeease help :)
Sorry...me again. Do you have any idea why I cant view my points in Slice view...only in 3D?
Awesome. Thanks man. It worked.
Hi. I did check. All imported and were converted to observations ok as all properties were there.
The other issue I'm having and I'm wondering if they are linked is that I can only view my obs points in 3D view and not slice....??
Hi all.
I cannot seem to bring up the error bars on my observation points during a simulation. I have followed the process of clicking in 'Spatial Units-Model Location-Observation Points' then 'Data-Process Variables-Fluid Flow-Hydraulic Head' and nothing happens.
Is there a particular column missing in my imported.shp file (see attachment)?
Hiya. Apologies if this is confusing. I have a few contamination areas that require refining. However if I refine these areas prior to 3D configuration and surface elevation assignment (using surface elevation points from GIS) I get errors as the model does not have an elevation point for all of the refined nodes. Additionally FeFlow struggles to do anything when I have all of my boundaries and contam areas refined accordingly. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a way around it?
Within FeFlow you mean?
Hi there. I am trying to figure out the best way to deal with my contamination source polygons (shapefiles created in ArcView) which reside within the existing model area. When I attempt to convert the contam sources to a supermesh (within the map panel) the error message that my polygons are overlapping keeps popping up.
According to the FEFLOW demo exercise for v6.2 I am supposed to leave the contamination polygons untouched until step 7.2 where they are assigned mass concentrations. Seems a little strange to me.
In contrast to this however is the user manual which suggests I should split the contam source polygons (step 5.5.4)prior to converting to a supermesh. Not a process that is working for me.
Someone else also suggested importing the model area and contam sources from ArcView into FeFlow and then once in FeFlow recreating/tracing over all of the ArcView polygons using FeFlows create polygon tool. And then convert to a supermesh polygon.
Can someone please suggest the best way forward as splitting the polygons is a little tricky/impossible with the shape and number of my contam sources within my model area.
Thanks in advance.
Awesome. It worked.
Hi there. Where about's can you 'export nodes to points' in Feflow?