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Posted Wed, 11 Oct 2006 14:03:57 GMT by Vincent
I try to simulate multi-species transport in a simple 2D horizontal mesh (to begin with something easy). I would like to calculate balanced mass flux for each species in a single calculation. I used, as usual, reference point group.
But at the end, only the balanced flux for the first species is computed (since all species are computed in local and average mass windows).
Do I forgot to set up one or several parameters?
Thanks in advance for any help and answer.
Posted Thu, 12 Oct 2006 10:53:23 GMT by Karsten König
Hi Vincent,

you did detected a bug, the observation point groups works only for the first species. The bug will be fixed in the next Patch (5.208). Thank you

Best regards,
Posted Fri, 13 Oct 2006 12:25:03 GMT by Vincent
Thanks for your answer. I will wait for next patch.
All the best

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