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Posted Mon, 22 Sep 2014 01:35:05 GMT by Nanda Rinaldi Private
Dear users and Feflow
How is the flow in unsat zone being treated using option phreatic and BASD/Free and Movable ? Is the recharge applied to the free surface in BASD mode and how is it being calculated in the phreatic mode ? Are the hydraulic heads/pressures above the free surface/water table used in calculation,or, do they have any meaning ? I used to use other software that scale the conductivity in the unsat zone by multiplication with a fraction and somewhat I still have option to apply the recharge to the first wet nodes(it means to forget the 'has been scaled unsat zone of conductivity').
thank you
nanda rinaldi
Posted Mon, 22 Sep 2014 07:04:17 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
In Phreatic mode, FEFLOW (since version 4.x if I recall correctly) applies recharge to the top nodes (ground surface). So recharge has to pass the pseudo-unsat zone before reaching the water table. For details, you can also have a look at the corresponding explanation in the User Manual.

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