Since I am using the Diagram API to save head vs time data for points at specific elevations, and since this module does not save the data anywhere, when the model crashes and closes itself, I lose this data. Also, twice when it has crashed, it has somehow corrupted or lost the information for my observation point groups that track flux. I cannot open the Fluid Flux window from the quick access menu when postprocessing the dac file (it is greyed out). However, when opening the problem editor for the dac file, the observation groups are there! I just can't extract the flux information. And I've already tried to manually extract the flux info without the groups, the points are disconnected and there are more than 1000 total on several different slices. So extracting this data would be painful to say the least, becuase as far as I can tell you cannot import a database of points in the budget analysis, only lines or polygons ask for a file. So basically, it is the end of the world when it crashes and corrupts the flux groups. I am forced to re-run the model, because believe it or not that is more efficient than getting the data back out manually. And this took 9 days to run! So I suppose this is also a wish list item - save the diagram API data somewhere so that if the FEFLOW/XVision crashes and exits, the data are retrievable. But I still have no idea what the problem is with the flux groups.