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Posted Tue, 04 May 2021 15:47:26 GMT by Maximilien Delestre Englobe Corporation
Hello everyone,

As I am new to FEFLOW, I wanted to do the introductory tutorial.
However, I can't find the demo data files on my computer as indicated in the tutorial PDF (C:\Users\Public\Documents\DHI FEFLOW 7.1.) nor download it from the website (all I have found is the Linux version and I work on Windows).
When I try the website, I generally end up to the MIKE 2021 download page even when the link should not be related to it.
I use FEFLOW 7.3. Does anyone has the link for downloading the demo data files?

Thank you!
Posted Wed, 05 May 2021 07:53:09 GMT by Peter Schätzl Grundwassermodellierer
I've sent you a PM.
Posted Wed, 05 May 2021 12:41:33 GMT by Maximilien Delestre Englobe Corporation
Danke schön Peter !
Posted Thu, 06 May 2021 05:48:28 GMT by Peter Schätzl Grundwassermodellierer
Avec plaisir !
Posted Thu, 06 May 2021 15:24:42 GMT by Jintao Liu
Hi, although Peter has already answered your question, I would like to post it again for someone who is looking for this link.

Please use this link to download the latest FEFLOW 7.4 version:{2BC171FE-7AFA-44A0-9BF8-BC48CEAC27A8}

When you start to install the package, there is one option called [b]FELOW Demo Data[/b].

The package also includes example animations, demo tutorial videos, and third-party software PEST.

By default, the tutorial files will be saved under C:\Users\Public\Documents\DHI FEFLOW 7.4\demo\exercise

Posted Sun, 09 May 2021 15:16:56 GMT by Maximilien Delestre Englobe Corporation
Thanks for the addition Jintao, so I guess that the IT tech who has installed FEFLOW on my computer unchecked the FEFLOW Demo Data option.
Then, in this situation, a good way to get the demo files seems to install a demo version of FEFLOW on an unrestricted computer then copy-paste the demo data on the company computer.

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