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Posted Wed, 28 Jan 2009 12:57:31 GMT by bausteinkasten

is there any file (e.g. .txt) I could get out all the input data of my problem. (Not using mesh inspector)

Thanks for help!
Posted Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:00:36 GMT by Gemma

There are various types of files you can export which contain the spatial distribution of your input data in text format, e.g x,y,z or as a shapefile. For example when looking at material properties, if you choose the tool "special" (under mesh inspector) a window pops up which gives you the option of saving the property data to a file.

Also if you save your .fem problem in ascii interchange format and open it in a text editor, then all of the input data is in there.  There is a guide to the file format in the file_formats .pdf on the Feflow cd.

Hope that helps.

Posted Fri, 30 Jan 2009 13:00:02 GMT by bausteinkasten
Thanx alot! I'll try it soon ;)

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