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Posted Fri, 16 Jul 2021 12:17:55 GMT by Valentin Max Schweizer Student
Hi there,

I want to applicate a HydraulicHeadBC without inflow, only with outflow.
I tried to do it with In- and Out-Transfer Rate, but therefore a Fluid-transferBC is necessary.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks for your help,
Posted Thu, 22 Jul 2021 02:58:38 GMT by Igor Pavlovskii Dalhousie University Post-Doctoral Fellow
Right-click on Head BC in the "Data" section => select "add parameter" => select "max flow rate constraint"
This would add a new parameter that you can assign to nodes with Head BC.
To prevent outflow in a specific node assign max flow rate constraint value of 0.
Note different sign convention for BCs and constraints

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