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Posted Sat, 26 Jun 2010 10:33:39 GMT by alwathaf
hi foe all ;D ;D ;D
hi Mr. Peter :)
I have one question.
Simulation of model in transient state is ok, but I have 25 observation wells.
I know how enter this observation well to model, but how enter the Piezometric monitoring for each well  and how export this data for comparison between the Piezometric calculated and observer.
Please help me and thank you for ever.

yahia al wathaf
Posted Mon, 28 Jun 2010 08:41:49 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
You can load a *.pow file with additional curves into the diagram for comparison (right-click into the diagram - properties). Export of the diagram curves for external comparison is also possible from the diagram properties dialog.
Posted Mon, 28 Jun 2010 10:37:12 GMT by alwathaf
thank you very much Mr. Peter

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