Hi Cris,
do you mean: only the visualization changes ?? That means, the colors, line thicknesses and so on ??
The visualization should not change when scrolling through layers and slices. If so, please report that to support@mikebydhi.de
or do you mean: the values are changing ??
Since FeFlow is modelling 3D, it is very realistic, that the hydraulic heads change with the depth of the model. Especially, when you have different strata.
The hydraulic potential is therefore given for each depth (slice) and for each node.
If you want to find out the free water table, you have to evaluate the pressures - pressure = 0 means the groundwater surface.
The best method, to find out the groundwater surface in you pit is to do a cross section through you pit and plot the pressures in this cross section. You will find one check box zero isoline.
if you use the free and moveable approach, feflow's slice 1 i always the free groundwater surface, because of feflow adapts the mesh to the groundwater table.
Bests Christian