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Posted Mon, 23 Aug 2010 11:03:13 GMT by Falk Händel

i´m modelling a thermal problem with use of a groundwater heat pump.
So i need the infiltration temperature, which depends on the extraction temperature.
Is there a possibilty to create a boundary condition 1st type, which calculates the temperature potential from the results of the heat modeling on a different location? The results can be from the former time step.

thanks for help.

Posted Mon, 06 Sep 2010 17:52:31 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
There is a plug-in for FEFLOW available from DHI-WASY for free for this purpose (called OpenLoop). Please see for details.
Posted Tue, 07 Sep 2010 09:53:38 GMT by Falk Händel
thanks for answering.
but there are two different problems. First a boundary condition 1st type produces ( shown in budget analyzer) a additional heat input because of "boundary condition 1st type". i think the reason is heat conduction and heat dispersion. so i create a small area around the boundary condition with material proporties of heat conductivity and dispersivity of 0. is this a possibility to manage the problem?
Second two simulate more than one heating period, without the open loop plug in, i have to use a continious time series. So a incorrect boundary condition is used in the period of no groundwater infiltration. is this recommended in the open loop plug in or is there a possibility to consider this?

Thanks for responses.

Posted Tue, 07 Sep 2010 16:25:46 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
You might run into stability problems with conductivity and dispersivity of 0 - but it is worth a try.
In case of time periods without pumping, you would have to constrain the application of the heat-transport bc by using time-varying constraints on the boundary condition. In the most general case, you can use two additional time series for the min and max constraints having 0 values when the bc should be shut off and very high (max) / very low (min) values all other times. The OpenLoop module takes care of this and switches the bc off in case of no flow.
Posted Thu, 09 Sep 2010 11:29:50 GMT by Falk Händel
Hi Peter,

thank you very much for the fast and serious answers.
If I use the openloop tool, I don´t have to reduce the conductivity and dispersivity, because there is no additional heat input, isn´t it?
The budget analyzer shows at least no additional one. But there is a higher temperature on the infiltration point at every end of pumping periods. Do you know the reason for this "springing" temperature. For example the temperature of the node is 5 °C by calculation of the open loop tool and springs within a time step (0.1d, 0.25d or 0.5d) after finish pumping to 7.5 °C.



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