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  • Re: result depending input

    Hi Peter,

    thank you very much for the fast and serious answers.
    If I use the openloop tool, I don´t have to reduce the conductivity and dispersivity, because there is no additional heat input, isn´t it?
    The budget analyzer shows at least no additional one. But there is a higher temperature on the infiltration point at every end of pumping periods. Do you know the reason for this "springing" temperature. For example the temperature of the node is 5 °C by calculation of the open loop tool and springs within a time step (0.1d, 0.25d or 0.5d) after finish pumping to 7.5 °C.


  • Re: result depending input

    thanks for answering.
    but there are two different problems. First a boundary condition 1st type produces ( shown in budget analyzer) a additional heat input because of "boundary condition 1st type". i think the reason is heat conduction and heat dispersion. so i create a small area around the boundary condition with material proporties of heat conductivity and dispersivity of 0. is this a possibility to manage the problem?
    Second two simulate more than one heating period, without the open loop plug in, i have to use a continious time series. So a incorrect boundary condition is used in the period of no groundwater infiltration. is this recommended in the open loop plug in or is there a possibility to consider this?

    Thanks for responses.

  • feflow memory error


    while simulation i always get this error message: "not enough memory, a package of 240 kb could not be allocated"

    here my model data:

    2d horizontal
    flow and heat transport
    16000 elements

    the error occurs always after a simulation time of 2.5 to 3 hours within an expected total simulation time of 5 hours.

    there is no error in simulation results of temperature and flow.

    thanks for your response.

  • result depending input


    i´m modelling a thermal problem with use of a groundwater heat pump.
    So i need the infiltration temperature, which depends on the extraction temperature.
    Is there a possibilty to create a boundary condition 1st type, which calculates the temperature potential from the results of the heat modeling on a different location? The results can be from the former time step.

    thanks for help.

  • Phreatic Mode


    i´m modelling a 3D heat transport model with unconfined conditions. There are 7 layers for the partially saturated zone, saturated zone and aquitard. I use the phreatic mode for calculation of recharge and heat transport in the unsaturated area. The boundary condition of the atmosphearic boundary is a time series of the ground top temperatures.
    I switched the first slice to phreatic and the rest of the slices get the unspecified declaration. The slices with full saturation over the whole simulation time are fixed.
    But there´s the possibilty to set all unspecified slices to even phreatic.
    The user manual says that all unspecified slices are declared by the first slice above that is specified.

    Why there are different results in time series of temperatures of the first combination and a version with all unspecified set to phreatic?
    Thanks for responses.

  • budget analyzer


    i have modelled a 2D vertical combined flow/heat model. now i want information about the heat influx into the aquifer.
    is it possible to get information about the heat flux through a line that lies inside the model area or is it only possible to analyze the budget for boundaries?
    Is there a option for export the results of the budget analyzer for every time step?
    thanks for help.

  • fitting exponent in relative-conductivity curve


    does anybody know the meaning of the second fitting exponent in relative-conductivity curve, when using the modified van Genuchten method? I´m using Feflow 6. There´s no explanation in the manuals and help.
    Thanks for responses.

  • Re: automatic time step control problem


    thanks for the answer.
    All density and viscosity effects are on default settings.

  • automatic time step control problem


    I have a problem with the use of the automatic time step control.
    I am modelling an 2 dimensional vertical unsaturated problem with steady flow and transient heat transport.
    There is a steady recharge on atmospheric boundary and a time series for heat transport.
    If automatic time step control is chosen, the flow of water in the unsaturated area isn´t computed correctly.
    The results are unrealistic high hydraulic heads. Using constant time steps (1d) for the whole problem or only steady resp. transient ( time series of recharge) modelling of the flow problem results in realistic data of hydraulic heads.
    So what can I do using the automatic time step control for combined flow and heat transport?
    Thanks for responses.
