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Posted Thu, 15 May 2008 09:37:28 GMT by Steven Cone ARCADIS

I would like to export my supelements into a shap file (or similar) so that I may do some processing to assign a well to 50 m intervals along each line.

For various reasons I would rather do this processing on the superelement lines than on the map I used to create the superelements.

Is there a way to export superelements, once drawn, to a shape file?


Posted Thu, 15 May 2008 11:51:21 GMT by Christopherus Braun

Look in the main menu
--> File
--> Export Filter
--> Superelement mesh

Here you can save the superelement mesh as Shape- or DXF-File.
Posted Thu, 15 May 2008 14:04:48 GMT by Steven Cone ARCADIS
Thanks Zebra, I was looking in the wrong place.

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