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Posted Wed, 10 Aug 2016 05:54:23 GMT by Hannu Poutiainen
I am starting to build a model including an anaerobic reactor and found the above example with ADM1 thought i could use as a starting point. The model however gives some high and low level warnings when i run it (7 days steady state). Is this normal or should I adjust some default parameters, for example?

With Kind Regards  Hannu P
Posted Fri, 12 Aug 2016 09:29:04 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
It really depends on the warning message: it may have got to do with model settings (values assigned to certain parameters) or with integrator settings.
The latter may be easier to solve: just select a different integrator and/or relax / tighten integrator settings (e.g. accuracy).
Otherwise, and especially if the bound violations should persist over time, it may indeed be the case that some parameter values be incorrect.
Posted Thu, 18 Aug 2016 13:25:39 GMT by Hannu Poutiainen
I have this error message now..."Non-existent key in manager: ManagerQuantity, .out_1.COD". I changed the AD block which I had taken from UCT_PWM_SA template to the one that is included in ASM1Temp block library (there was some info on this in an old post), with no effect. I could not attach the layout pic I wanted but maybe You can give some hints?  r Hannu
Posted Mon, 22 Aug 2016 06:10:29 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
The "Non-existent key .." error suggests that something is wrong in the effluent model (defractionation).

I don't quite understand what do you mean by:
[quote]I changed the AD block which I had taken from UCT_PWM_SA template to the one that is included in ASM1Temp block library[/quote]

I guess you have changed the Instance, from PWM_SA to ASM1Temp, right?
In this case, you also need to recreate both the influent (fractionation) and the effluent (defractionation) models to match the new state vector.

Another option may be that the ".out_1.COD" is used in the scope of a Calculator Variable (are you using one of the tutorials?) in which case you may by-pass the error by simply deleting the Calculator Variable.

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