Posted Tue, 21 Apr 2015 08:37:39 GMT by
I am currently working on project where I would like to incorporate precipitation data over a model domain of MIKE 21 FM. The model contains two natural streams that bifurcates and then merges with each other again. There is also a small depression area between the two natural streams. Due to high precipitation in the area, I want to include precipitation in the model set up.

But my question is that whether the MIKE FM engine will be able to simulate the hydrological model and generate runoff from the provided precipitation data? Especially in between the two natural streams, where DEM shows very high RL.
Posted Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:30:30 GMT by Chto

yes, MIKE21FM is able to handle flow induced by strong precipitation.
With MIKE2014 SP3 an new type "Advanced Flood and Dry (floodplain)" in the Flood and Dry - menupoint is included.

For modelling the surface run off please use that option. That option makes the model quite stable and is especially developped for supporting low water depths and high flow velocities.

Bests Christian

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