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Posted Fri, 04 Jul 2014 08:31:08 GMT by Johanna Sörensen
How do you best handle a sharp vertical edge in Mike 21 FM? In my case it is a port that has a 1.5 m high quay. What method do you recommend to let the mesh describe the quay correctly and to make the calculations run smoothly?
I am interested in situations where the water level is higher than the 1.5 meters.
Posted Thu, 17 Jul 2014 22:23:04 GMT by Chto

if you are not interested in flooding the quay, you can take the "quay" elements off the mesh.

If you are interested in flooding, you have to refine your mesh, that one element face represents the bottom of the quay and another element face represent the top of the face.
In general, it is not possible to reflect vertical structures in your 2D - mseh. That means, that your wall is no longer vertical, but - depending on the mesh refinement - slightly inclined.

Third method is to use structures - for example weirs. However, you can only simulate the flow upstream and downstream of structures, but not the flow directly inside the structure.

Thus, I would recommend to refine the mesh to reflect the structure in the mesh.

Bests Christian
Posted Tue, 02 Sep 2014 14:17:51 GMT by Johanna Sörensen
Dear Christian,
I realised that I have forgotten to say thank you to you. It makes good sense what you write and for me the number two solution is best, as I work with flooding issues.
Thank you very much!

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