Posted Tue, 11 Dec 2012 16:03:46 GMT by Ronald Brown
It would sure be usefule to be able to copy the table out to excel.
It is a very usefull calculation in creating lookup tables for Pipe Flow in various shapes.
Every thing is there except the ability to copy paste this table.
Posted Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:24:17 GMT by Brett Laplante Project Engineer
This is true for all tables imbedded within tables.  If you are looking for a quick fix, although not the best one, I would suggest copying from the msm_crsd table by opening up the .mdb file with Microsoft Access.
Posted Thu, 20 Dec 2012 16:21:57 GMT by Ronald Brown
could not find a msm_crsd table, the A, R and Conveyance are not shown in the ms_crsd table which are the three calculated values.
Posted Mon, 18 Feb 2013 08:11:23 GMT by Thomas Telegdy
Have a look into table "m_CFGProcessData". It seems as if the table gets populated whenever you press "Proc. Data".
Posted Mon, 04 Mar 2013 20:40:22 GMT by Ronald Brown
thank you
it only shows one at a time but at least I can copy them out.

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