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Posted Tue, 19 Jul 2016 22:06:43 GMT by Natália Tavares PhD Student

I want to insert variable soil depth in the unsaturated module. Does anyone know if this is possible?

As far as I know, unsaturated module calculates flow in one dimension, whereas saturated module 3D. So I would like to ask, when a heavy rainfall occurs and the upper soil becomes saturated, the flow is calculated in three dimension or in one dimension?

In case anyone can help me!

Thanks in advance!


Natália Tavares

Posted Wed, 20 Jul 2016 11:06:53 GMT by Douglas Graham
Hi Natalia,
You can easily specify soil layers with depth - if you are using either the Richards or Gravity UZ methods.
To do so, click on the [Insert] icon in the Soil Profil pane of the UZ Soil Profile Definition dialog.

The UZ module in MIKE SHE is purely 1D vertical. Once infiltration reaches the groundwater table, the water can flow laterally.
So, no, if the upper UZ layers do not communicate laterally with neighbouring columns - even if they are saturated.

Posted Mon, 01 Aug 2016 20:39:32 GMT by Natália Tavares PhD Student
Thank you very much for your prompt answer!

I have a shape file of the soil depth. Is it possible to insert this shape file in the setup of the model, or only manually can I specify the soil depth, through  [Insert] icon in the Soil Profil pane ?

Thank you very much!

Posted Fri, 12 Aug 2016 12:43:06 GMT by Douglas Graham
Hi Natalia, 
You can only define soil depths by column.
There is currently no function to specify soil depths as a map.
Your only option is to define soil zones based on soil depths. This will define all the columns in the soil zone the same way.

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